Saturday 8 August 2015


"For God so loved the world,that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."
The question is, what was the purpose of God!
For having eternal life for Human. Is this eternal life qualified, only for the individual, who is involved? Certainly not. It involves the eternal life of Human as a species on this earth. Thus, Christ says, "I came to establish heaven on this earth"......He taught his disciples to pray;"Thy Kingdom come" , excluding the prayer that "I may be taken to the heavens".  So the very essence of the love of God is the eternal life of Human Species on this planet, which he created, each element carefully and purposefully, not confined to the individual salvation, which is to a great extend, tied up with selfishness. 
It reminds us of inter generational equity in terms of preserving the resources for the future generations as well. 

For having eternal life for human species on this tiny planet, what  did He do?

"He so loved the world". For the eternal life of the Human species on this world, he not only loved the Human, but the entire world, which includes the flora, the fauna, the microbes, the algae, the fresh air,the fresh water, the fertile earth, the amphibians, the birds, the animals, the fresh water aquatic life, the salt water aquatic life, the minerals, the energy of the sun, the space involves in it, the forests, the enumerable participants of which we do not have any knowledge as of today, as well as the inter relationship between and among them. That is the love of God exhibited through His only begotten Son. 

On Creation itself, he declares all of them "as good", after creation. After each creation, He found it to be "Good". 

So the next question is, can we destroy any thing which  God found to be Good? 

Certainly not. All the species, let it be microbes, may be small creatures, or big ones, may be strong, may be weak are found to be "GOOD" by "GOD". So "GOOD" is "GOD" and "GOD" is "GOOD"!

Further it is asked, can we sustain, after destroying all these biodiversity on this earth? 

It is an utter foolishness to think even in wildest of imaginations that we can sustain on this tiny planet alone, without the support of other species! It is the height of idiocy. 

Hence GOD loved the world for the eternal existence of Human species, the eternal Life of Human species, on this earth. He loved the entire world, for the purpose of preserving the life of Human. Remember, he did not love Human alone!

So the final Question: Can the Human involve in any activity which will destroy the biodiversity of the earth, which GOD loved so close to his heart even to the extend to sacrificing his only begotten son? If we involve in any of such activities, doesn't it amount to SIN? Are we not supposed to desist ourselves from destroying the existence of other species, their habitat, their existence, their interrelationship,their food chain etc? 

What is the divine duty?  To love the world and its biodiversity, to have a better life for ourselves and out generations to come, or to destroy the earth and its life, causing destruction to human eternal life on this green earth?